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Prof Mason's work has presented at over a hundred learned society meetings. He is also an invited lecturer both nationally and internationally on subjects in foot and ankle and trauma. Below are a list of some of these presentations.
Invited Lectures
Below are examples of the learned societies Prof Mason has been asked to present at as an invited lecturer.
Prof Mason was invited on a mid western tour of the US to discuss ankle fractures. He run 3 labs and gave 4 lectures in 4 different cities, including Chicago, Indianapolis (Indiana University), Columbus (Ohio State University) and Atlanta.
Prof Mason was an invited lecturer on posterior malleolar ankle fractures to the University of Conneticut resident progam in September 2023.
Prof Mason gave a Heel Pain lecture, organised by Spire, for the benefit of local GPs and physios. Nevertheless, it drew an international audience with doctors across the Atlantic registering.
Prof Mason was an invited lecturer on posterior malleolar ankle fractures to the Montefiore resident program in New York in June 2023.
Prof Mason was involved in the 10th Round Table, where leaders in their field discussed topics surrounding foot and ankle trauma, attempting to reach consensus on difficult decisions.
Prof Mason was an invited lecturer on the UK AO Foot and Ankle Advanced Trauma Course in June 2023.
Prof Mason was an invited key note speaker in the Orthopaedic Trauma Society annual conference, giving 2 lectures on ankle fractures and approaches.
Prof Mason was integrally involved in a very successful BOFAS conference for Liverpool. Leading research that was over 10% of all research presented, no including the collaborative research and the presentation of the initial FATE study results. Prof Mason also presented on the National Registry and Talr fracture approaches.
Prof Mason gave an invited talk on Posterior Malleolar Fractures in January 2023
Prof Mason gave 3 key note lectures at the BVOA in Leeds in November 2022.
Invited lecture on "Ankle Fractures - Fix from the back?". Lecture given as part of the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society delegation in the Kenneth Johnson symposium on controversies in Quebec, September 2022.
Prof Mason was invited as a key note speaker at the RSM Trauma Conference in May 2022. He spoke on ankle ligament injury in ankle fractures and calcaneal fractures.
Prof Mason was invited to give key note lectures on posterior malleolar fractures of the ankle and flat foot (pes planus) disease. Both these subjects were due to the research he has been involved with over the last few years.
Prof Mason was invited back to South Wales to give key note lectures on Pilon fractures and posterior malleolar fractures.
Invited as a representative of the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society for the development of a cross society national guideline on the treatment of elderly open ankle fractures.
Mar 2022
Calcaneal fractures and ankle fractures invitational lectures
Jan 2022
Complex Pilon Fractures, Webinar
BOFAS webinar Sep 2021
SICOT (World Orthopaedic Conference) Virtual Presentation Sep 2021
BOA, Aberdeen Sep 2021
Research Presentations
Podium Presentation, British Trauma Society, London November 2022
Podium Presentation, British Trauma Society, London November 2022
Poster Presentation, British Trauma Society, London November 2022
Poster Presentation, British Trauma Society, London November 2022
Poster Presentation, Association Surgeons in Training,
Poster presentation, European Foot Ankle Society, Edinburgh Oct 2022
AOFAS, Quebec, Sep 2022
AOFAS, Quebec, Sep 2022
Anatomical and radiological description of the spring ligament articular facet (SLAF)
Podium presentation, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Sep 2022
Poster presentation, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Sep 2022
AOFAS, Quebec, Sep 2022
AOFAS, Quebec, Sep 2022
Poster Presentation, The European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Lisbon, Jul 2022
Poster Presentation, The European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Oslo, Apr 2022
Poster Presentation, The European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Lisbon, Jul 2022
Poster Presentation, The European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Oslo, Apr 2022
Poster Presentation, British orthopaedic foot and ankle society, Bournmouth, Mar 2022
Poster Presentation, The European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Lisbon, Jul 2022
Poster presentation, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Sep 2022
Poster Presentation, British orthopaedic foot and ankle society, Bournmouth, Mar 2022
Poster presentation, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Sep 2022
Podium Presentation, British orthopaedic foot and ankle society, Bournmouth, Mar 2021
Podium Presentation, British orthopaedic association, Aberdeen, Sep 2021
Poster presentation, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Sep 2022
Podium Presentation, British orthopaedic foot and ankle society, Bournmouth, Mar 2022
Poster presentation, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Sep 2022
Podium Presentation South West Orthopaedic Conference, Exeter, Feb. 2022
Poster presentation, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Sep 2022
Podium Presentation, British Limb Reconstruction Society, Brighton, Mar. 2021
Poster Presentation, British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Bournmouth, Mar.2021
Poster Presentation, EFFORT, Virtual Jul. 2021
Poster presentation, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Sep 2022
Poster presentation, BOA, Aberdeen Sep. 2021
Podium presentation, BOA, Aberdeen Sep. 2021
Podium presentation, BOA, Aberdeen Sep. 2021
Poster presentation, AOFAS, Virtual Sep 2021
Podium presentation, 58 Society, Liverpool Aug 2021
Podium Presentation, British Limb Reconstruction Society, Brighton, Mar. 2021
Poster Presentation, EFFORT, Virtual Jul. 2021
Poster presentation, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, Sep 2022
Podium Presentation, EFFORT, Virtual Jul. 2021
Podium Presentation, EFFORT, Virtual Jul. 2021
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Virtual Mar. 2021
Poster presentation, EFFORT, Virtual Jul. 2021
Poster Presentation, AOFAS, Virtual Sep. 2021
The UK Foot and Ankle COVID-19 National (FAlCoN) Audit – Rate of COVID-19 infection and 30 Day Mortality in Foot and Ankle Surgery in the UK during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkPodium presentation, BOFAS, Virtual Mar. 2021
Podium presentation, BOA, Virtual Sep. 2020
Podium presentation, BOFAS, Nottingham Nov. 2019
Podium presentation, World Foot and Ankle Congress Apr.2020
Winner of 3rd Best Podium, BOFAS
Podium presentation, BOFAS, Nottingham Nov. 2019
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Nottingham Nov. 2019
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Nottingham Nov. 2019
Poster presentation, AOFAS, Chicago Sep. 2019
E-Poster, AOFAS, Chicago Sep. 2019
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Nottingham Nov. 2019
Poster presentation, AOFAS, Chicago Sep. 2019
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Nottingham Nov. 2019
Poster presentation, EFORT, Lisbon Jun. 2019
Poster presentation, EFORT, Lisbon Jun. 2019
Poster AOFAS, Chicago Sep. 2019
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Edinburgh Nov. 2018
Poster presentation, EFORT, Lisbon Jun. 2019
E-poster presentation, AOFAS, Chicago Sep. 2019
Winner of best poster, foot and ankle trauma section, EFORT 2019
Podium presentation, BOFAS, Edinburgh Nov. 2018
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Edinburgh Nov. 2018
Poster presentation, BOA, Birmingham Sep. 2018
Poster presentation, AOFAS, Chicago Sep. 2019
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Edinburgh Nov. 2018
Podium presentation, BOA, Birmingham Sep. 2018
Poster presentation, AOFAS, Boston, Jul 2018
Podium presentation, 58 Society, Liverpool Jun 2018
Poster presentation, EFORT, Barcelona May 2018 Winner of Jacques Duparc Prize, EFORT 2018
Podium presentation, EFORT, Lisbon Jun.2019
Podium presentation, BOA, Birmingham Sep. 2018
Poster presentation, EFORT, Barcelona May 2018
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Sheffield Nov. 2017
Poster presentation, AOFAS, Boston, Jul 2018
Oral presentation, BOA, Liverpool Sep. 2017
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Sheffield Nov 2017
Poster presentation, AOFAS, Boston, Jul 2018
Winner of best poster, BOFAS 2017
Oral presentation, BOA, Liverpool Sep. 2017
Shortlisted for the Young Investigators Award
Podium presentation, AOFAS, Boston, Jul 2018
Podium presentation, EFORT, Barcelona May 2018
Poster presentation, BOA, Liverpool Sep. 2017
Oral presentation, BOFAS, Sheffield Nov 2017
Winner of 2nd prize for podium presentation, BOFAS 2017
Oral presentation, BOFAS, Bristol Nov. 2016
Oral presentation, BOFAS, Bristol Nov. 2016
Oral presentation, BOFAS, Bristol Nov. 2016
Oral presentation, BOFAS, Bristol Nov. 2016
Oral presentation, Aintree Audit Meeting Dec. 2016
Winner of 2nd prize for podium presentation, BOFAS 2017
Identification of the Medial Column Line collapse variation is Crucial in Flat Foot Management Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkOral presentation, BOA, Belfast Sep. 2016
Oral presentation, BOFAS, Guildford Nov. 2015
Oral presentation, Aintree University Hospital, May Audit May 2016
Oral presentation, Mersey Deanery Registrars Day Jul 2015
Oral presentation, AESP, London Mar 2016
Oral presentation, Pan Celtic meeting, Cardiff Vale Jun 2015
Winner of best podium presentation, Pan Celtic meeting 2015
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Brighton Nov 2014
Poster presentation, BOFAS, Brighton Nov 2014
Minimally invasive calcaneal osteotomies: Are neurovascular structures at risk? A cadaveric study Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkForefoot deformity in rheumatoid arthritis – a comparison of shod and non-shod populations. Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkOral presentation, Registrars Day, Cardiff Jun 2013 Oral presentation, American Society of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Florida Jul 2013
Poster presentation, American Society of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Florida Jul 2013
Oral presentation, British Society of Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery, Plymouth Jul 2012
Oral presentation, Chondrotissue, Windsor Jul 2012
The Tarso-Metatarsal joint and its association with Hallux Valgus Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkComparison of radiographic correction of moderate and severe hallux valgus with Scarf and Basal Opening Wedge Osteotomies Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item LinkOral presentation, To ABC fellows, Cardiff Apr 2013
Poster presentation, Welsh Orthopaedic Society, Abergavenny May 2012
Poster presentation, EFORT, Madrid Mar 2010
Oral presentation, Welsh Orthopaedic Society, Anglesey May 2009 Poster presentation, Registrars Day, Cardiff Jul 2008
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